Полный список аксессуаров для тракторов., как много ты знаешь об этих аксессуарах?
- Engine accessories
The tractor’s engine is the power source of the tractor. Аксессуары для двигателя включают стартеры., генераторы, бензиновые фильтры, и т. д..
- Drive train accessories
The drive train is an important part of the tractor, и его аксессуары включают сцепление, коробка передач, drive shaft, и т. д..
- Steering accessories
Tractor steering accessories include steering gear, rotating joints, steering gear, и т. д..
- Suspension accessories
Suspension accessories are mainly used to stabilize the driving of the tractor, such as shock absorbers, suspension springs, brackets, и т. д..
- Braking accessories
The tractor’s brake system accessories include brake drums, brake pads, и т. д., which play a braking role.
- Electrical accessories
Electrical accessories include lights, speakers, instrument panels, и т. д., which are closely related to the safety and ease of operation of the vehicle.
- Tire accessories
Tires are the key to tractor driving. Tire accessories include tires, rims, valves, и т. д..
The above are the common types and functions of tractor accessories. The details of tractor accessories of different models and brands will be different. Understanding the types and functions of these accessories can allow you to better understand the performance and maintenance methods of your tractor and achieve efficient agricultural production.